Let’s hope that the development in the world gets ”poco a poco” a little better.
There is a Bob Dylan lyric line wich goes: ”There must be some kind of way out of here, said the joker to the thief”. I was so disappointed when I realised it was ”joker” and not ”juggler”. Therefore I hereby establish the concept ”juggler and thief”. I think it gives a nice association to medieval street musicians. One of them distracts the audience while the other steals from pockets. Something for culture workers of today to be able to live on their art!
In this piece I have tried to approach the drums and the trombone to eachother. Both musicians are soloists. No accompaniment. The same music goes in both parts. Who is the juggler and who is the thief?
Flauto 1-2
Oboe 1-2
Clarinetto 1-2 in Bb
Clarinetto basso in Bb
Corno 1-2 in F
A challenging and virtuoso piece for the different sections in the wind band. The piece is constructed in seven more or less coherent rooms with one theme throughout:
"House of Seven Rooms" is commissioned by the Stockholm Transport Band (today The Swedish Wind Ensemble) and former Concerts Sweden (“Rikskonserter”) 1994 in Åsögatan, Stockholm. Durata: 24'.
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